
Join us in encouraging and praying for Pastor Kristen Bennett Marble

A key member of our coordinating council, Kristen Bennett Marble, is stepping into a new season of ministry. Join us in saying thank you for her service to the FMLN and in praying for her and celebrating her as she steps into this new venture!

Here is a word from her directly.

“I am beginning a new season of ministry, moving into an 80/20 split between pastoral ministry at West Morris FMC and 20% with FMWM-Asia. My church board has granted me permission and their blessing to utilize 20% of my pastoral time for my FMWM-Asia ministry, with the understanding/stipulation that I create some space in my calendar/schedule in terms of how I spend my pastoral discretionary time. This means I have stepped down from several conference and city-wide ministry and service roles over the past month, and [the Coordinating Council] needs to be one of those.

I have so enjoyed my short tenure with [the Coordinating council] and will continue to applaud, support and pray for your good work within the FMC. Thank you for the good work you all do to enrich, deepen and broaden the ministry perspectives and practices of our denomination.

I wish you all the best, and would ask for your prayers as I step into this new exciting role and lean into raising support as I partner with leaders throughout Asia to reach 1 million for Jesus!”

~ Kristen

(Click here to learn more, give toward Kristen’s support, or join her prayer team!)